Better Safe Than Syphy
“Syphilis? That’s something from hundreds of years ago, right?” That’s the reaction you generally get when you talk to people about New Zealand’s very real, and very 21st century problem with this archaic STI. However, syphilis has become such a problem in this country, that it’s now at its highest levels ever. In fact, in just the last few years, reported cases have increased 560%. We set out to tackle syphilis and put it back where it belongs; in the dark ages. The campaign aims to spread awareness through a clash of eras. Modern hook-up locations, like bars, clubs and toilets are juxtaposed with a character out of time – someone in 16th century garb, looking to proposition you, using modern pick-up lines turned Shakespearean.
2021 AWARD Awards | 3x Awards
2020 Axis Awards | 19x Awards
2020 Best Awards | Design Craft
2020 One Show | Print